The Decorating Staple
That's Alway's in Style!
That's Alway's in Style!

(Source: Phoebe Howard)
Sisal is the perfect material for todays more casual interiors. While it can be super chic with 18th C. gilded Georgian furniture, it's also perfect for casual homes - both modern and traditional.
The benefits of Sisal-type carpets are endless.
The benefits of Sisal-type carpets are endless.
What type of sisal is best for your application?
A grass that grows in shallow underwater beds in saltwater. Smooth fibers that are not porous so it resists most stains; wears like iron and is perfect for homes with pets...

Pronounced: Koy-er
A fiber made from coconut husks. Rough texture, stains moderately, hides dirt, wears well; is woven in super flat-weave patterns.
A fiber made from coconut husks. Rough texture, stains moderately, hides dirt, wears well; is woven in super flat-weave patterns.

Coir fibers woven with goat-hair or wool to offer a softer carpet; stains badly and it's impossible to get the dirt and traffic stains out.

Pronounced: Sy-sul
A fiber from agave plants; has medium texture, is woven into wonderful patterns and designs; available in many colors and patterns.
A fiber from agave plants; has medium texture, is woven into wonderful patterns and designs; available in many colors and patterns.

Literally from "cannabis" plants; Is woven into usually simple weaves and is great for chunky, more causal looks; can stain, and needs underlayment as it isn't rigid and moves around.

Freshwater bull-rushes harvested along English canals; A beautiful, albeit expensive natural carpet. It's super chic, and thick, but it isn't very flexible.

(Carpet sample photos below the room photos are only to show you the texture and material used, not color.)

(Source: Elle Decor)

The Chinese seagrass area rug makes this grand room feel less-imposing while holding the grouping together

The Chinese seagrass area rug makes this grand room feel less-imposing while holding the grouping together

(Source: Matthew Patrick Smythe)

Chinese Seagrass makes this "updated traditional" home look chic and doesn't interfere with the simplicity.

Chinese Seagrass makes this "updated traditional" home look chic and doesn't interfere with the simplicity.

(Source: Suzanne Kasler)

Diamond pattern sisal gives this monochromatic room a subtle pattern. Perfect for rooms with access to the outdoors as some people will invariably walk in with chunks of dirt on their shoes -- but it wont bother this carpet at all!

Diamond pattern sisal gives this monochromatic room a subtle pattern. Perfect for rooms with access to the outdoors as some people will invariably walk in with chunks of dirt on their shoes -- but it wont bother this carpet at all!

(Source: Frank Greenwald)

Apple matting in a contemporary space offers the perfect natural texture and feel - usurping the slick/cold feeling.

Apple matting in a contemporary space offers the perfect natural texture and feel - usurping the slick/cold feeling.

(Source: Elle decor )

Apple matting in this traditional apartment adds texture and 'layers' to a sophisticated feel.

Apple matting in this traditional apartment adds texture and 'layers' to a sophisticated feel.

(Source: Ann Getty)

Chinese seagrass balances this super swanky room fitted with elegant antiques and bright colors.
It takes the pretentious edge off...

Chinese seagrass balances this super swanky room fitted with elegant antiques and bright colors.
It takes the pretentious edge off...

(Source: Jeffrey Bilhuber)

Freekin' LOVE this room! Apple matting makes this living room work because more colored pattern on the floor would look totally sucky and confusing.

Freekin' LOVE this room! Apple matting makes this living room work because more colored pattern on the floor would look totally sucky and confusing.

(Source: Gil Shaffer)

Lovely English antiques with a diamond pattern sisal. When installed wall-to-wall it adds visual space, but it's also good if you have crappy old floors, just cover that shit right on up.

(Source: Hampton's Showhouse)

A large-weave sisal adds warmth and masculinity to a sexy slightly feminine room with a cool palette.

(Source: Elle Decor)

Hemp installed wall-to-wall makes this space look much larger and lowers-the-tone in an otherwise schmancy space.
It hides all kinds of dog hair, dustballs, cheeze-curl crumbs, etc.!

(Source: Thomas Pheasant)

Pheasant did this handsome room about 14 years ago, and it still looks chic as hell! The carpet is a large, chunky-weave sisal.

(Source: Pinterest)

Wall-to-wall seagrass in an office is brilliant!
It hides ERY'TING!
(You'll need a roller-mat under your desk chair tho)

(Source: Vogue)

Tory Burch used patterned sisal in her sunroom, creating a porchy, background for a mish-mosh of other patterns, textures and colors.

(Source: Elle Decor)

Remember cheap-shit apple-rush matting at beach houses?
It's da'bomb now baby! Perfect thing in this high-tone sunroom. It offers a humble charm whilst adding texture and pattern.

(Source: Pinterest)

This elegant foyer has sisal runners up the steps, and it's perfect! It keeps it simple, hides the dirt of everyday traffic and brings the formality down. (Seagrass is too slippery on steps!)

This elegant foyer has sisal runners up the steps, and it's perfect! It keeps it simple, hides the dirt of everyday traffic and brings the formality down. (Seagrass is too slippery on steps!)

(Source Lauren Liess Interiors)

My guess is ... this mid-century split-level had heinous floors so they painted the steps white and just covered the foyer floor completely. Cheap and chic, wham!

(Source: Photobucket)

This 18th century home looks updated and smart as the sisal runner adds a casual note to the space without disturbing the classic feel.

(Source: Jeffrey Bilhuber)

This Chinese seagrass updates this room, a wool needlepoint would look so 90's

This 18th century home looks updated and smart as the sisal runner adds a casual note to the space without disturbing the classic feel.

(Source: Jeffrey Bilhuber)

This Chinese seagrass updates this room, a wool needlepoint would look so 90's

(Source: Vincente Wolf)

Apple matting adds texture and a natural element to this seriously clean-lined, well-edited bedroom. Apple is smooth and soft on the feet too.

(Source: Joe Ruggerio)

This large bedroom didn't need more design elements, the seagrass makes the space flow visually.

(Source: Pinterest)

A modern apartment opted for something smart and sophisticated so they chose black sisal, NICE!

(Source: Pinterest)

This narrow entrance hallway in this vacation home eliminates screaming about sandy feet, beach towels and wet dogs whilst creating a quieter hallway when your free-loading guests are resting.

(Source: Decorpad)

I have seagrass in my own kitchen (not shown) and I LOVE IT because the floor always looks clean - even when it's filthy! You can spill oils, water, grease, anything and it always looks perfect!

(Source: Washington Post)

A hand-painted sisal looks beautiful in this laundry room. It absorbs noise so you can actually work in there while the machines rumble and gush.
(Source: Houzz)

This gawjus bathroom has a jute runner which can't be hurt by water or toiletries that may drop on it.
And, it has a "spa-ish" feeling underfoot...
And, it has a "spa-ish" feeling underfoot...

(Source: Photobucket)

Sisal mats by the back door are perfect for homes with kids or animals. Easy to maintain, vacuum or shakeout out occasionally and you're good to go! If it does get ruined - order a new one from Pottery Barn.
There are lots of ways to border a sisal carpet, but it needs a border as the natural fibers will unravel. The key is to make the border simple, not overshadow the simple material.
These below are simple cotton tape borders on sisal weaves and tapes chosen to blend in with the sisal.

For custom rugs, the corners should be mitered like below, not overlapped like above, it's just a better, more tailored look

This edge treatment below is called "surged" which is sewn with a high-power machine looped around the edge.

Oh hell no!
If you want patterned borders go to HomeGoods...

You Can Do It, I'm Here To Help