Oh Muriel this water's sooo cold....

Oh Brad, this water's sooooooo HOT....

There's something sensual and alluring about bathing in the outdoors; maybe it's an Adam and Eve moment when we feel at one with nature, or perhaps how good we feel when we abandon our Victorian modesty about our bodies...
Regardless, it's a great sensation.
I've designed several of these over the years and clients always comment on how much they continue to enjoy them.

(Source: Viceroy)
The walled area outside eliminates any privacy issues and abates the animistic noises which are bound to happen with such a sexy bathing place.

(Source: Mencke and Vagnby)
This outdoor "bathing room" accommodates a large stone tub and separate waterfall shower, how sexy is that?

(Source: Architectural Review)
This bath has French doors opening out to a small private shower. Notice the water source outside - a bamboo branch.

(Source: Murdock-Solon Arch.)
This contemporary bath with long-distance views opens to a balcony fitted with a shower so bathers can step through the indoor shower to take one outside - weather permitting.

(Source: Pinterest)
This modern cement-walled shower has insulated doors which open to another outdoor shower to use in fair weather. The detail of the wooden flooring aligning with the outdoor decking is a nice detail.

(Source: Tumbler)
A contemporary home tucked into the woods utilizes a large side deck as their natural shower area just outside the master bedroom. I'm imagining all the local fauna lined up each morning for the show...

(Source: Town and Country)
A stone residence has an intimate shower immediately outside the master suite for quick rinse-off's when needed...Notice the projecting stone ledges for the products and the teak wall piece concealing the plumbing.

(Source: Casa Diseno)
A modern home located their outdoor shower convenient to the pool, beach and the main house. The sand washes back to the ground instead of into a drain.
Away from the house, but equally interesting

(Source: Freshome)
Set into the side of the pool deck this wooden structure feels natural and private. Next time your four-year-old asks "where do babies come from" show them this photo...

(Source: Coastal Living)
Simple and successful! An anti-room to hang your clothes to keep them dry and a large showering area with room for more than one person...

(Source: Coastal Living) Adjacent to the pool area a small "shower house" doubles as a changing room for guests; its architectural, well-designed and practical.

(Source: Coastal Living)
Simple, easy to build and out of the way.

(Source: Trends Magazine)
From outside it looks like a stone wall; from inside it's a steamy, sexy, sun-soaked ablution garden...
Portable showers aren't so bad, especially in hard-freeze zones

(Source: The Stock Blog)
This teak freestanding shower offers no privacy, but it's perfect for rinsing off the salt or chlorinated water.

(Source: Pinterest)
Cowabunga dude! After you've spent the day stoked up in the curls you can get your clean on with this rad, short-board shower, man.

(Source: Cottage Living)
The basic old-fashioned shower; it works perfectly and anything elaborate would look pretentious with this old shabby-chic style home.
Soaking tubs have gone to new levels!

(Source: Tahoe Design House)
Soaking in a warm teak tub with a fireplace on one side and the great outdoors all around....GTFO!

(Source: Elias Rizo Arch.)
I'd be all prune'y from this tub 'cause I'd never get out of it....Z

(Source: Joseph Paul Davis Interiors)
A sunken tub on this loggia, just off this bedroom, offers a discreet spot to soak your booty while soaking in the views.

(Source: St Barths Monthly)
Who wouldn't switch from showers to baths if you had this just outside your bathroom, riiiight?

(Source: Emma's Bog)
As I always say ... Less is more!
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